20.06.2009 (fUNIKIN Pressemitteilung):
BEBUK Information Meeting for students at the University of Kinshasa.
Bourse d’Excellence Bringmann
à l’Université de Kinshasa (BEBUK)
Are you a student of physics, of computer sciences, of geology, biology or economy
at the UNIKIN?
Are you in the 3rd, the 4th, or the last year of study and one of the top students of your class?
Do you envision becoming an excellent researcher and/or a university teacher?
Do you want to be freed from delay by useless, time-consuming jobs, and profit from
interdisciplinary seminars with excellent students from other disciplines?
Do you want to dedicate your entire time, power, and enthusiasm to your study and carreer?
To make your dream become reality, please contact the BEBUK Committee
(Bourse d’Excellence Bringmann à l’Université de Kinshasa). If you are selected, BEBUK
will give you a scholarship and accompany you to make your dreams become reality.
After a first pilot phase I (students of chemistry and pharmacy), the scholarship system,
encouraged by excellent results of the first 4 scholars, has been extended to 10 students of
chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, law, and letters (pilot phase II ).
The scholarship system will now enter its pilot phase IIb, additionally taking into account
students of physics, geology, biology, and computer sciences.
Soon it will be enlarged to all subjects and disciplines of the UNIKIN.
Please come and attend our information meeting, which will be organized
on Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 13 H 00. Venue: Auditorium B1, Faculty of Sciences.
Contact: 00243999930963, 00243816900320.
The BEBUK Committee
Prof. Dr. Dibungi T. Kalenda Prof. Dr. Virima Mudogo
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Bringmann